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"Unlocking the Myth: Can Exercise Really Outdo a Bad Diet?"

Most people get- on a conceptual level at least- that they should probably eat a but better than they do, they should probably move more and take the time for more "me time" to live a long and happy life.

What I want to share with you today is that the food you eat matters more than you can possibly imagine. Food is not only the fuel your body needs to produce energy, it also contains all of the nutrients that are needed to make and repair cells (including muscle and bone).

No matter how many miles you run, how many sessions you do on the rowing machine or elliptical or how many weights you lift, it won't make up for the damage a bad diet (lack of nutrients) can do to your physical health.

When you have poor nutrition habits your exercise performance may suffer and you will not be able to get the most out of your training sessions. Your Muscles and bones are just a few parts of your body that cannot be supported without proper nutrition.

  • *you will not have the energy or feel like training

  • *you won't be able to perform your best

  • *you may end up storing fat instead of burning it

Don't give up on all the exercise but know a combination of physical activity and diet can improve not only your waistline but your overall health.

By making a few small adjustments to your current routine it may be easier than you think

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